家喻戶曉的法式早餐明星,加入了純素的國度。 層次分明,口感酥脆;抹上果醬、夾上蔬菜甚至純素培根,為今日的三明治增添異國樂章。

Baking suggestions: 1. Oven: Preheat oven to 200°C, spray some water on croissant, then bake 2-3 minutes. 2. Saucepan: Spray some water to the pan, put croissant in and cover the pan with lid. Turn on low heat and cook for 2-3 minutes.
■No Onions, No Garlic, Non-GMO, ■No Eggs, No Dairy, No Alcohol, ■No Added Preservatives, ■No Added Artificial Colorings
Ingredients:Wheat Flour, Vegan Shortening[Palm Oil (Non-hydrogenated), Water, Glycerin Fatty Acid Ester, Salt, Flavoring, β-Carotene, Annatto(Natural Color)], Brown Sugar, Yeast, Salt, Vitamin E (Antioxidant), Flaxseed.
※Contains wheat product.
Net Wt:200g±4.5%
Shelf life: 6 month
Best Before:Shown on the package (yy/mm/dd)
Storage: Store in cool and dry place, Please keep it in the refrigerator after opening.
※Warning: Do not eat the desiccant silica gel packet inside

